Friday, October 17, 2014

Otaki Forks

This past Sunday found me at the Otaki Forks with Chris and Ray. We ended up going 12k, or 7.4 miles. 

Back home that would be a bit of a workout, but not too bad. But at home, I'm typically not hopping from rock to rock to pass streams or scrambling up steep slopes, clinging to tree branches in order to avoid falling down where large slips have taken place. So this one took a bit more out of me.

I was told that this was "good track" Much of the track was about a foot wide with a steep drop on one side. I wondered what "bad track" looked like, but was happy to not encounter any.

When we reached one end of the hike, there was a bridge troll there to greet us. By this time we'd been hiking for two hours and Chris and I had been wanting lunch an hour previous. 

Ray finally pronounced us worthy of lunch. But since the view wasn't so great, we hiked back 15 minutes to a clearing we had seen and enjoyed a little break.

By the end of the day we heard thunder in the distance. The view was wonderful, but I was quite happy to return to the car and sit. I think we all felt like we had earned it.


Alina Sayre said...

Wow, gorgeous pictures! But two hours post-wanting-lunch? All I can picture is a hangriness epidemic :)

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